Happy birthday my love.
I remember when we first got you, we were so afraid. Cause you're so tiny and fragile.
And we watch you grow from a tiny timid pup into a mischievous fat boy.
You have been there for me for almost half my life. We practically grow up together.
I remember for all the times you were there for me. When you curl up beside me when there's thunders, when you occupy almost half of my pillow, when you are so naughty you pee everywhere and drive me so mad, when you stayed at the door waiting for us to be home and when you wagged your tail so hard when you see us.
All these little things used to mean so trivial to me, till you were gone, these are the memories I'm holding on to.
I'm sorry for not being the best owner. I'm sorry for being young and foolish and not give you the best care you deserve.
I hope you are in a better place now, doing all the mischievous stuff and drive people crazy.
You are the best pet I ever had. My best friend. You will never be replaced.
I miss you so bad