Friday, August 17

Hi! Haven't been updating for the longest time. I've been studying, mugging hard EVERY. SINGLE. DAY :( So much for the end of fyp, still need to study so much for my exams.

Can't wait for September! CAN'T WAIT!!!!

Ok one thing I'm very excited and proud to share is that.... I've finally told my parents about Gershon. Yes yes finally finally. After months of avoiding and hiding, I've finally gather some courage, gain some balls to tell them. Phew so damn freaking relieved :')

Kk next up I've made some promises or maybe I should say set some goals for myself. Haha my 7 months in 2012 has been soooo bad. So instead of sitting there and wait for things to happen, I'm gonna put these thoughts into action!

1. Healthy lifestyle
And that means cutting down on cigarettes, clubbing, beers and alcohol. I wanted to add in sleep early but it seem soooo impossible.

2. 47kg!!!
I reeeeally wanna fulfill my dream to hit 47kg!! It's been on my wish list since 3 years ago! So now I MUST jog/exercise 3x a wk, no matter how busy I am!! For now this plan looks good! Except the supper part! Im too greedy to forgo supper! :(

3. Study reeeeal hard
I want to do damn well in school, get my ass in local university and continue studying. I don't think I'm ready to go out and work yet. Not clever enough

4. Get a job I like
I don't really like my job as a promoter in Paragon. I feel like I'm wasting my time there, it just seem so meaningless. I don't know what's holding me back to stay in the job but now I've decided to look for a part time job I really like, that I will look forward to. (Maybe with some hot guys and girls ;) hehe)

5. Boys detox
Yea it's true I fall in love too quickly and too blindly. I don't want to break up with anyone anymore. I don't want to give them a chance to say hurtful things to me. "I just don't love you anymore." "I don't think I love you enough to change" "We just don't work out" I HATE THESE HURTFUL WORDS. They don't know how much these hurt me and make me feel so bad about myself :'(
Oh well, so no boys means no heartbreak! Don't have to feel insecure, paranoid, be vulnerable.

I hope, really really hope I keep my promises! Pretty pretty please :)