Saturday, July 14

Ndp Preview

Life has been spinning so quickly lately. Everything seems to be happening so fast. My life revolve around school, work, projects, friends and family.

Last Saturday Fahms got me two tix to the NDP preview! WOOHOO and I brought my best friend along. It's quite boring cause they are not really prepared and it was raining. Poor us hiding under our poncho. 

I love National day cause it makes me feel patriotic. Haha, hopeless much. But I like the feeling when everyone sings the national anthem and the national pledge together. 

My favourite part is the fireworks!!!!! I LOOOOOOOOOOVEEEEEE ITTTTT!!!!!!!!!! I've always loved the fireworks! I remember I always drag Feyd to go watch it with me.

Look at how huge the goodie bag is!!!!!!!! Had a blast! I love my best friend, forever and always. Glad we make it through despite all our fights throughout these few years. 

Thanks for always being by my side. bunny.

Check out my instagram and twitter for more updates!
toddles x