Sunday, February 5


Have been thinking of F so much lately, maybe because it's near Valentine's Day. It reminds me how he broke my heart, literally. I've put in soooo much effort in this relationship, because I thought so long as I try my best, things will turn out the way I want it to be, hence I had really high expectations. Well you know when they say the higher your expectations, the greater your disappointment right? YEA IT'S DAMN RIGHT

Just found the email I wrote him when we broke up. I said I won't hate him, blahblahblah. I'M SUCH A LIAR GOSH! But you can't blame me, he reeeally did break my heart so badly :'(

But then again, maybe we are just not meant for each other. Now that we both have moved on and found someone special, thoughts of the past shall just stay as memories and nothing else, no hatred or anything.

And if it's not for F, I won't find G :)